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Bluugo Featured in the Industry Leading Magazine

19/06/2019 by Bluugo

Earlier this year, Bluugo was visited by Ground Handling International Magazine and interviewed about our Delay Prediction Tool solution, which won the Innovation Award at The Pride of Ground Handling Awards in Gothenburg last November. The article has now been published in the latest issue of Ground Handling International Magazine! Check out the article to learn how Bluugo’s Machine Learning solution has quickly provided great results for Swissport and Finnair

Award-winning Machine Learning Solution

One year ago, Bluugo, Swissport and Finnair started the development of a new solution called the Delay Prediction Tool. The objective was simple: to generate arrival estimates for flights into Helsinki-Vantaa Airport more accurately and further in advance, to enable Swissport to optimize ramp operations, to the benefit of the airline customer – and its passengers. To achieve this, IoT & Machine Learning technology and expertise were required, which were provided by Bluugo.

Last November, the solution was recognized with the international GHI Innovation Award at the Pride of Ground Handling Awards in Gothenburg and trials began a month later, in December 2018.

Today, a year since the project started, the solution is used in daily operations by both Swissport and Finnair and the results have been spectacular:

“Getting these predictions early, we can now prepare three to six, or even nine hours in advance of a flight instead of one or two”

Enthuses Jani Elasmaa, Director, Business Support at Swissport.

Finnair’s Head of Airside, Hannu Hakkarainen relates the benefits for the airline:

“The DPT is agile and helps facilitate smooth peaks and continuous improvement. We can predictively delay a flight if the resources aren’t available. This is the main benefit. It’s all about getting a more proactive rather than reactive view.”

All parties in the collaboration continue to have an active involvement in the ongoing development of the tool at quarterly stakeholder meetings, as well as weekly Skype meetings.

“We’ve only scratched the surface and already there are some very good results”

relates Elasmaa.

Read the full article by Ground Handling International Magazine below.
You can subscribe to the Magazine here.





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