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Bluugo’s year 2018 – International Growth & Machine learning

13/02/2019 by Rami Juhela

The year has changed, the numbers of 2018 have been added to the account books and the year 2019 has started with exciting atmosphere at Bluugo’s office. The desks are starting to fill up with new projects, but before diving in head-first, it is good to stop for a moment and look back to 2018.

International Projects & Machine Learning

The year has changed, the numbers of 2018 have been added to the account books and the year 2019 has started with exciting atmosphere at Bluugo’s office. The desks are starting to fill up with new projects, but before diving in head-first, it is good to stop for a moment and look back to 2018.

As a whole, the year 2018 was a successful one for Bluugo. Our growth continued its familiar course on an upward projectory and during the year we got to work on many interesting projects both in Finland as well as other countries around the globe. The growing number of international projects was without a doubt one of last year’s most important themes for Bluugo. Now that the ground work for international growth has been successfully completed and things are heating up, only the sky is the limit!

Another important theme for Bluugo’s last year was the development of machine learning and its implementation to all core functions of our Tracking Cloud solution. During the year we invested heavily on this project and the results speak for themselves: Our Tracking Cloud™ Flight Delay Prediction Tool won the Innovation Award at the Pride of Ground Handling Awards in Gothenburg last November. Our innovative solution combines machine learning and IoT in a new way and was selected as the winner amidst of over 100 other competitors. The general public is just starting to realize the huge, untapped potential of machine learning and we at Bluugo are certain its usage will skyrocket in all industries. Our investments in machine learning will continue on a high level this year also.

Sustainable Growth on All Sectors

The third main theme of Bluugo’s year 2018 was in all its simplicity, growth. Compared to the previous year, our turnover almost doubled, the number of employees increased by a third and the figure at the bottom line gives the CEO a reason to smile. During the year we welcomed many new colleagues to our team, and it has been a great joy to observe how talented people are drawn to our company. Also, with the strong growth, our offices started to get a little crowded during the year which lead to two moving days — Both Vantaa’s and Pori’s offices moved to new locations. Even with the fast growth and all the things happening at the same time, our business has never been on a sturdier foundation: Bluugo was awarded The Strongest in Finland Platinum certificate by Suomen Asiakastieto. This Rating Alfa -credit rating based certificate is a sign of a company’s positive financial figures, background information and good payment behavior. The Platinum level certificate can only be awarded to companies which have been in the highest credit rating level for at least three consecutive years.

Eyes on the Horizon

The three main themes of 2018 will be strongly present in our strategy for this year also. The number of international projects will continue to rise and the investments in machine learning and other cutting-edge technologies will remain on a high level. Our Tracking Cloud™ solution will be optimized even further and some new features will be added to make the user experience as good as possible for both old and new customers. Monetary-wise, Bluugo’s growth is projected to continue on a high level. We still believe in the same strategy that we created five years ago: quality products, talented people and a well-controlled process builds a strong foundation for sustainable growth.

Lastly, I want to thank each and every partner that we had the privilege of working with during the year 2018. Let’s keep up the good work and make this year even better than the last one!

Rami Juhela

CEO, Co-Founder



Rami Juhela

CEO, Co-Founder

I'm helping our customers to unlock their full potential through digitalization. Throughout my career, I've been at the intersections of technology and its relationship to people and business.

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