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Bluugo awarded with two new certificates

20/03/2020 by Bluugo

Bluugo has been recently awarded two new certificates from Kauppalehti and The Finnish Software Industry Association.

Bluugo awarded with two new certificates

We are happy to announce that Bluugo has been recently awarded two new certificates: The Kauppalehti Growth Company 2020 Certificate from Kauppalehti and The Software from Finland Certificate from The Finnish Software Industry Association (Ohjelmisto- ja e-business ry).


Kauppalehti Growth Company 2020

The Kauppalehti Growth Company Certificate can be awarded to a company if all of the following requirements are met:

- The company has been operational for at least 4 years

- The company’s revenue has raised significantly* over the past 3 years

- The company’s revenue from the past year is at least 500 000€

The growth of a company’s revenues is seen as significant, if it has grown on average over 10 percentage points faster than the average level of its main class of activity on an annual level.

Bluugo’s annual revenue growth has been on average +54% since 2015, which is more than enough to qualify us as one of the Kauppalehti Growth Companies. Thank you for the honor Kauppalehti!

Software from Finland Certificate

“The Finnish Software Industry Association hereby recognizes that Bluugo Oy produces uncompromised software according to Finnish best practices, and as such can proudly use the Software from Finland logo.”

Thank you for the recognition Finnish Software Industry Association (Ohjelmisto- ja e-business ry). We will keep growing and producing uncompromised Finnish software with pride!



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