New Whitepaper: "Why The Upcoming Traceability Standards are a Game-Changer for Modern Supply Chains"

Unbiased Feasibility Study

From a buyer’s perspective, the field of digitalization can often seem complex and fragmented.

There’s usually more than one way to approach a certain business problem and the best results are usually achieved by combining multiple enabling technologies. How to make sure you pick the best ones for your business case?

The answer is Discoveryour fixed price consulting package designed to analyze your business case and provide unbiased insights on the feasibility of different approaches and technologies.

What's included?

  1. Consulting workshops at the customer site or virtually – many cases can be completed with zero physical presence.

  2. A comprehensive written report on the feasibility of different approaches and plausible technologies from a.) financial, b.) technical and c.) process functionality perspective.

  3. A review of the finished report with the customer.

  4. Clear conclusions, recommendations for the next steps, and initial solution proposals.

The objective

The goal of the Discovery Package is to discover a solution and combination of technologies, that are optimal for your business case.

In most use cases, there is no need to go for the perfect solution with 99,99% accuracy and total automation – a simpler solution is usually sufficient and provides much better ROI.

The outcomes

After the package is completed you will have answers to all crucial questions regarding your project:

  1. The pivotal development targets
  2. Feasibility of different approaches and technologies
  3. Roadmap for the next steps
  4. Sufficient information to make well-educated decisions
  5. Deepened understanding and know-how of available tools and technologies

& Schedule

Pricing of the Discovery Package varies significantly depending on the scope of your business case. We assess each case independently and offer the package at a fixed price, so you don’t have to worry about exceeding your budget. The pricing starts at 4800€.

The timeline for completing the Discovery Package takes from a couple of days to a couple of weeks (including the writing of the final report), depending on the scope of the business case and the amount of consulting days needed.

Please contact our sales for more detailed information & offer requests.


Process description timeline

1. Business Objective Meeting

Definition of objectives for a solution

Initial feasibility assessment

Free of charge with no commitments

1 - 2 hours

2. Facilitation Workshops

Workshops at the customer site or virtually

Identifying pain points, process steps, and use cases

Starting from 2 x 1/2 day workshops

3. Analysis & Written Report

Analysis of pain points & priorities

Comparison of different approaches & technologies

Cost estimates for different scenarios

Starting from 1 business day

4. Review of the Report

Review of the written report together with the customer

Recommendations for the next steps

Initial solution proposal

1/2 day Workshop

Get in touch today

Sampo Ranta

Sales Development Representative

Sales Nordics

Saara Tiusanen

Enterprise Sales Manager

Sales Nordics & Account Management

Rudolf Gefenitor

Sales Specialist

Sales DACH

Julia Voznyeszenszkaja

Sales Development Representative

Sales DACH

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